CrewProtect 100

CrewProtect™ 100 is a self-contained and comprehensive air decontamination system for enclosed apparatus cabs that reduces the three significant air contaminants firefighters face each day: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulates, and aerosols.The 24 VDC CrewProtect 100 is suitable for medium and large fire apparatus vehicles, ambulances, or similarly sized vehicles. An easy-to-read LED light indicates when the cartridge needs to be replaced.

CrewProtect 100

  • Decontaminates the air in the average cab or ambulance body every 3.5 minutes
  • Compact, Quiet, & Automatic
  • Can be installed horizontally or vertically in any interior cab location or in the body of any ambulance
  • Connects directly to 12 volt or 24 volt systems
  • Automatically runs when the truck is operating
  • Operates at 100 CFM and only 60 decibels (below the NFPA maximum of 80 decibels)
  • Fitted with Easy-to-Change, Long Life Cartridges
  • Cartridge Life Indicator (Color LED Light, RFID Technology) visual alert when the cartridge needs to be replaced
  • Cartridge is designed to completely neutralize harmful chemical contaminants, making it safe to simply discard in the normal trash
  • Sturdy, powder-coated metal for durability

Weight: 22.5 lbs

Power Supply: 24VDC

Max Airflow: 100 CFM

Media: Pre-filter, Molecular, Puraward, HEPA

Application: Apparatus

Color: Grey

Vehicle Size: Medium - Large